Model Number : EIE-416AKDP02V

As per IS: 1206 (Part II and III).Supplied complete with Viscosity bath with built in Digital stop watch, Vacuum Pump - capable to maintain vacuum of 300 mm/Hg, Indian Make Vacuum Manning Viscometer No.12 and 13, Reverse flow Viscometer No.6, Silicon oil, silicon tubes and calibration certificate for Viscosity bath, certificate of constant for Viscometers. Complete with instruction manual. Canon USA Make Glass U Tube Viscometer, Mercury Manometer, Digital Vacuum Indicator cum controller etc. are available.

As per IS: 1206 (Part II and III).Supplied complete with Viscosity bath with built in Digital stop watch, Vacuum Pump - capable to maintain vacuum of 300 mm/Hg,with required accuracy, Indian Make Vacuum Manning Viscometer No.12 and 13, Reverse flow Viscometer No.6, Silicon oil, silicon tubes and calibration certificate for Viscosity bath, certificate of constant for Viscometers. Complete with instruction manual. Detailed Specification as mentioned in technical part mentioned below. Canon USA Make Glass U Tube Viscometer, Mercury Manometer, Digital Vacuum Indicator cum controller etc. are available at extra cost

Compliance with following International Standards:

Complete Absolute and kinematic Viscosity Testing Equipment conforming to IS 1206 (Part II) and (Part III),

Apparatus Details:

Determination of Absolute and kinematic Viscosity with the following components:

  1. Constant Temperature Bath ‑ A suitable bath for immersion of 2 vacuum capillary viscometer tubes with a digital temperature controller. The accuracy of the temperature in the bath will be ± 0.2°C throughout the bath. (resolution of 0.01°C available at extra cost)
  2. Silicone bath oil suitable up to 150°C ‑ 15 Liters
  3. Vacuum System ‑ The system will consist of vacuum pump, moisture trap, vacuum regulator, bleed valve, all interconnecting tubing / piping, and any other accessories as needed to complete the vacuum system.
  4. Built in Digital Timing Device ‑ A stop watch capable of reading up to 0.01 second.
  5. Indian Make Cannon‑Manning Vacuum Viscometer Tubes of Size 12 and 13 Supplied with manufacturers' calibration certificate, viscometer tube holder and silicone cork. This will cover the Viscosity range from 800‑3200 poise.
  6. Indian Make Reverse flow Viscometer to cover Viscosity range of 250‑400 cst (1 Nos.)

Optional Accessories At Extra Cost :

  1. Original Imported CANON USA Make Vacuum Manning Viscometer, size No.12 :
  2. Original Imported CANON USA Make Vacuum Manning Viscometer, size No.13 :
  3. Digital Vacuum Indicator cum controller to control Vacuum at ± 0.05 cm
  4. Original Imported CANON USA Make Reverse flow Viscometer : Size No.6 :
  5. Original Imported CANON USA Make Reverse flow Viscometer : Size No.7 :
  6. Mercury in Glass Thermometer for Bath ‑ IP 93C and IP 35C
  7. Digital Temp. Indicator cum controller with resolution of 0.01°C
  8. Digital Vacuum Indicator to indicate vacuum with least count of 0.05 cm (This is in option to Item No.3)
  9. Bitumen Cleaning/Pyrolytic Oven for cleaning for used Viscometer Tubes
  10. viscometer rack for safe keeping of U Tube Viscometer - can accommodate 6 tubes on a bench top
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