EIGHT CELL Rapid Chloride permeability Apparatus with Eight channel DAQ systems and 7” size HMI Color Touch screen display, Complete with Vacuum Desiccator with Vacuum Pump & accessories.
- DC power supply 0-60 volt 8 ampere with 3 digit LED display
- Four line LCD display to indicate the current in all the eight cell’s current in milli ampere.
- Built in data acquisition system with PC interface software
The total Supply includes the following components:
- Eight Cell RCPT apparatus, with PC interface software
- Acrylic Cells Machined as per ASTM C 1202 to hold the concrete specimens of 100 mm diameter - 8 sets
- Flexible cable 1 meter long with banana connectors- Red - 8 nos.
- Flexible cable 1 meter long with banana connectors- Black - 8 nos.
- RS232- USB port interface cable - 1 no.
- Software CD - 1 no.
- Stainless Steel Bolts - 32 Nos.
- Stainless steel washers - 64 nos.
- Stainless steel Nuts - 64 nos.
- RTV sealant - 1 tube
- 250 mm vacuum desiccators. - 1 No.
- Vacuum pump - 1 No.
- Moisture trap with vacuum gauge - 1 No.
- Elastomeric Rubber Moulds for cylindrical specimens - 8 Nos.
- NaOH salt - 500 gram
- NaCl salt – 500 gram
Acrylic cell consists of the followings:
- Brass mess -88mm diameter - 1 no
- Brass plate -88mm diameter - 1 no
- Brass washer- 102 mm OD 88mm ID - 1 no
- Rubber washer 102mm OD 88 mm ID - 1 no