Model Number : EIE-RT-001

As per IS 8764. It consists of a load frame for applying loads up to 100 KN, on which a manual hydraulic jack is mounted. The instrument accepts core specimens up to 4” (101,6 mm) diameter which are loaded by two cone shaped points. The applied load is measured by with Two Pressure Gauge of 25 KN and 100 KN. With NABL Calibration at extra cost. Motorized version also available : Price on request.

Introduction :

Point Load Index Tester, is used for determining the Diameter al Point Load Strength Index of rock cores and irregular lumps which can be tested without any treatment. Used for testing rock, aggregate and core samples as well as out crop specimen in their original shape. The Point Load Test is primarily an Index Test for strength classification of rock materials.

Salient Features :

  1. Rock core specimens can be tested without any preparation.
  2. The results of the test may also be used to predict the uniaxial compressive strength of rock.
  3. With this instrument, a wide range of core sizes can be tested.
  4. The frame has adequate adjustments to align perfectly the loading axis passing through the centre of the bearing plates and loading.
  5. This instrument is mainly intended for field measurements on rock specimen but it can also be used in the laboratory.
  6. This is a portable instrument and is useful in the field also.
  7. Uniaxial compressive strength for rock specimen can also be predicted approximately.

 Construction Details :

  1. The instrument comprises of a three pillar type load frame on the base of which is fixed a 10 Ton capacity hydraulic jack at the center.
  2. A conical platen at the top of jack.
  3. The other conical platen is fixed to the top plate of the frame at its center, The distance between two conical platen is fixed to the top plate of the frame at its center.
  4. The distance between two conical platen is adjustable by vertical movement of the upper plate of the load frame.
  5. Loading jack with integral hand operated pump and two pressure gauges of 0‑25 KN and 0‑100 KN.

 A motorized version of the Point Load Index Tester is also available,offering improved automation and precision in load application.

Overall Dimensions

27″x 25″ x 30″( L x W x H)

Weight (Approx.)

140 Kgs Approx.

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