This equipment is used to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion of ceramics and related solid specimens.
1. Size of the equipment : »250 x 1000 x 300 mm
2. Shell Construction : Double wall structure with high quality fabrication of M.S. Body with powder coating
3. Insulation : Low thermal mass zirconia blend fiber board.
4. Furnace movement : Linear bearing wheels and stainless steel rails are used for easy furnace movement and exact location
1. Heating elements : Special Silicon Carbide single end element I squirred R, USA make
2.Operation : 5 Amps/ 230 V / AC
3. Maximum Temperature : 1200°C
1. Temperature control : NIPPON/TAIE make PID Programmable Digital Temperature Indicator cum Controller and K- type Thermocouple
2. Accuracy : ±1°C
3. Safety controller : By non-indicating temperature controller with air break magnetic contactor (to take care of the furnace while accidental failure of Thyristor).
4.Thyristor : Phase angle control thyristor system with isolation transformer input to heating element
5.Indications : a) Digital Ammeter and Digital Voltmeter
b) Mains Indicator
c) Out put Indicator
6.Control switches : Mains on and out put on
7.Safety : Input and out put fuses
1. Measuring method : LVDT technique with digital read out(GERMAN MAKE)-MASSETRON
2. Measuring accuracy : 1 Micron
3. Read Out : Digital out put as well as computerized
4. Software : Special Software to computer interface for entire operation(LABVIEW)
5. Computer : latest standard PC-With inkjet printer
6. Measuring range : 0 to 2000 Microns
7. Specimen size : 10 x 10 x 45mm ± 2 mm
8. Sample tube & probe : Recrystallized alumina
9. Calibration certificate : a. For LVDT (expansion)
b. For thermocouple (temperature)
Accessories: Alumina standard is included.