
Aggregate Testing Equipment
The aggregate crushing value provides a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load.

Bitumen Testing
The Centrifuge Extractors are used for determination in hot mples. The mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed by centrifugal .

Cement Testing
Our complete cement testing instruments and Cement Testing Equipment range includes accelerated curing tank,etc.

Concrete Testing
The strength of concrete is generally estimated after 28 days by crushing field test cubes or cylinders made from the representative concrete .
Validation Services
Validation is a systematic approach, where data is collected and analyzed to confirm that a process will operate within the specified parameters, whenever required and that it will produce consistent results within the predetermined specifications. The process verifies, if the compliance and quality standards are being met by a product in real time. In short, Validation is defined as a documented program that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process, method, instrument or system will consistently produce a result meeting pre-determined acceptance criteria.
In a pharmaceutical facility, the validation program establishes that a company is meeting Current Good Manufacturing Process (cGMP) guidelines that are set for the industry by concerned regulatory bodies.

Calibration Services
Calibration facilities are given the highest priorities at our organization. We hold excellent technical know-how to calibrate versatile calibration parameters with National & International Traceability. EIE’s in-house Calibration Lab is accredited by NABL Authorities as per IEC/ISO : 17025 Guidelines. The Laboratory at Precise is very well equipped with the most modern and sophisticated Master Instruments / Equipment & Reference Standards, which are employed for providing precise & accurate calibration services to the prestigious clients. We provide following 2 kinds of calibration services to our esteemed clients. a) In house calibration service b) On-Site calibration Service

Calibration Services
Calibration facilities are given the highest priorities at our organization. We hold excellent technical know-how to calibrate versatile calibration parameters with National & International Traceability. EIE’s in-house Calibration Lab is accredited by NABL Authorities as per IEC/ISO : 17025 Guidelines. The Laboratory at Precise is very well equipped with the most modern and sophisticated Master Instruments / Equipment & Reference Standards, which are employed for providing precise & accurate calibration services to the prestigious clients. We provide following 2 kinds of calibration services to our esteemed clients. a) In house calibration service b) On-Site calibration Service